Eating In

Bluefish are relentless predators that can churn up the waters in packs in pursuit of their prey.

Easy to catch and tasty too, these eerie, luminescent creatures signal the start of a new fishing season.

“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard.” So said Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.

The Chappaquiddicker talks about what inspires him – on-Island and in the kitchen. He also shares a meal’s worth of recipes dreamed up in the writing of his first novel, Island Apart, out in paperback this year.

Home cooks have many options when preparing roast chicken, a simple and satisfying meal.

From The Bluefish Cookbook comes an awesome taco with a variety of textures.

Written by and for the culinarily curious, the blog Hungry Native is about tasting, testing, devising, and delighting in food. Here, the founders dish about some Island favorites and recipes they love.

A professional chef shares recipes and tips for a successful oceanside feast, and reports that even a little rain doesn’t dampen spirits when dinner is paella cooked over a beach fire.


Eating In
