You might think the Vineyard is all about bay scallops, but we’re also lucky to have a local fisherman, Sam Hopkins, with a coveted sea scallop permit. When Hopkins and his two-man crew aboard the 49-foot Endurance hit the dock in Menemsha — unloading their quota only to turn right around and head back to the fishing grounds — you’ll see the scallops in Island fish markets the next morning.

Last Friday, The Net Result’s email-blast featured sea scallops as the daily special. So I made a beeline over there after work and bought a pound. At home, I had tomatoes languishing on the counter, so in short order my new favorite summer treat was born: Seared Sea Scallops with Tomato “Butter.” You will want to try this, I promise.

(By the way, The Net Result — owners Louis and Beth Larsen pictured above — is just one of more than 30 winners in the 2019 Martha's Vineyard Magazine Best of the Vineyard Food and Drink category. The entire list of Food and Drink winners is now online so check it out if you're looking for a lunch or dinner spot or just a snack.)

The rest of my homeless tomatoes are going into a cool pasta dish for supper tonight. A cool pasta is really an Italian take on pasta salad, but with a lighter and brighter approach. A mixture of chopped fresh tomatoes and other aromatic ingredients (a “no-cook” sauce) marinates for a bit and then gets tossed with warm pasta. Try this one — Cool Pasta with Tomatoes, Feta, Olives, Basil and Capers — and then vary it as you please the next time you make it.

A close cousin (after all, there are only two degrees of separation on the Island) is this Pasta with Fresh Tuna and Tomatoes from Cathy Walthers. Instead of a no-cook sauce, this one has a lightly cooked sauce: the tuna is seared and the tomatoes are just warmed through.

We’re all about tacos this week, too. We’ve been obsessed with them all summer, as the Taco House is right down the street from our office here in Edgartown. (The falafel taco is our favorite.) Proprietor Zared Shai (right) and his brother Evan just opened their second taqueria, Dos Mas, in Oak Bluffs.

At home, we’re making Shrimp Tacos with Quick Pickles, Cilantro, and Limey Drizzling Sauce. Sometimes, yes, we fry the tortillas first and make crispy tostados instead of soft tacos. And if you want to go all the way with the frying thing, make these Bluefish Tacos with Cilantro Aioli. What's not to like about a Guinness stout batter?

Veg-heads (like me!) will love Chef Molly Levine’s Shiitake Tacos with Chipotle Sauce. Vegans and non-vegans alike will get a lot of satisfaction from these Eggplant Tacos with Pine Nuts, which must absolutely be served with Double-Cilantro Guacamole and Salsa Fresca with Serranos and Lime.

Okay, I know you’re still trying to use up that zucchini, too, and since I promised to meet the #eatcorneveryday challenge (yes, I will stop talking about this soon), I should recommend these Zucchini and Corn Pancakes with Yogurt and Honey.

Eat blueberries or blackberries with Honey Whipped Cream for dessert and stand by for some berry-breakfast inspiration (coffee cake, French toast, and more for those houseguests) in next week’s newsletter.

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