This master recipe for a freeform tart combines a delicious pastry crust with your choice of fruit or savory fillings.

Susie Middleton

A slow saute means gentle browning and deep flavor.

Susie Middleton

Hearty enough to star at the center of the plate, this delicious potato dish also makes a great side for roast chicken or pork.

Susie Middleton

Use this simple recipe as a side dish or as a component in tacos, quesadillas, risotto, toasts, and more.

Susie Middleton

Every summer, I try a different version of panzanella to highlight beefsteak tomatoes.

Susie Middleton

Dress the beans while they’re still slightly warm and serve this salad at room temperature (not cold) for the best flavor. Great for a potluck, this also makes a nice supper with grilled tuna or swordfish.

Susie Middleton

Chef Nathan Gould of Water Street Restaurant at the Harbor View Hotel in Edgartown says his fluke crudo is a very refreshing appetizer for a Vineyard summer evening. “Enjoy with a vinho verde or any easy-drinking citrus-forward wine,” he adds.

Nathan Gould

Chef and fish purveyor Mike Holtham cooks his fluke this way at home, and says all that’s needed as an accompaniment is a tomato or leafy green garden salad.

Mike Holtham
