Poké, a Hawaiian snack, is essentially a jazzed up fish tartar.

Chris Fischer and Catherine Young

Get creative when cooking with it. Swirl it into a broth for fish soup; toss it with roasted vegetables, penne, and mozzarella for a baked pasta; spoon it on crusty ciabatta.

Susie Middleton

This entertaining-friendly grain salad includes a generous amount of fresh, crisp summer veggies (and even a bit of fruit) to keep it feeling light while still being satisfying.

Susie Middleton

Grandpa’s chowder was Rhode Island style – a clear, water-based broth loaded with onions, celery, potatoes, cracked pepper, just-harvested clams, and, to my mother’s chagrin, extra salt.

Alison Case

This simple summer salad, which takes advantage of high-season corn and tomatoes, is a great potluck dish.

Judy Klumick

A generous hit of fresh ginger and ground cardamom – and a light hand with the honey – makes this cool, fruity lassi a nice change-up from a sweet, heavy smoothie.

Susie Middleton

This delicious noodle dish is not quite a soup, but it has a brothy sauce that makes it quite comforting. Serve with a fork and a spoon!

Serves 4

Susie Middleton

I love a classic braise —a long, slow simmer in the oven turns even the toughest cuts into meltingly tender meat.

Susie Middleton
