In March 1932, the last heath hen in the world was seen for the last time on Martha’s Vineyard.

Tom Dunlop

And now for a short history of the yacht club located at the foot of Frog Alley.

It wasn’t until Thomas Hart Benton came to the Island in 1920 that he found himself, and the painting style for which he would become famous.

Sam Low

Diary of a Menemsha campsite, summer 1908.

Tom Dunlop

Baba Smith, Phyllis Aldrich, Sharon Smith, Sunny Wright, and Cynthia Fulton

Brooks Robards

The Frank E. Gannett was the first true ferry ever to serve Martha’s Vineyard.

It's a remarkable house sitting in just the right place looking out over the perfect view. And it seems like it's always been there, but it hasn't. Sixty-five years ago it stood on Stonewall Beach at Squibnocket, maybe a hundred feet from lapping waves. That's almost unthinkable now, with what we know about storms, hurricanes and erosion. It's illegal, as a matter of fact.

Niki Patton

Long after dark on August 3, 1963, a vast menagerie rolled into Woods Hole, bound for Waban Park.

Shirley Mayhew
