
Sampson’s Hill, Sankaty, Sea Serpent, Sebastian, the Singing Cop, and Squeteague.


Serve this savory spoon bread and beach plum sauce with roast chicken.

By Christian Thornton


For his dish, Manson, a private chef on the Island, said he “wanted to see beach plums presented in a completely different way."


Beach plum puree + egg yolks = Beach Plum Curd, the most delicious thing you can put on a warm popover.

By Jenna Sprafkin


Because ice cream recipes vary based on available equipment, Lattanzi gives this basic method for adding a beach plum swirl.


Serve this hearty gratin with grilled bluefish or roast chicken. Sit outside. Sip something cool. Tell stories. Have seconds.

By Susie Middleton


The entries came from as far away as California and Canada, and covered everything from Aquinnah to Chappy and the Inkwell.


For some, weddings may mean champagne toasts and lengthy best man’s speeches, but for old-school folks, it’s all about the punch.

By Jessica B. Harris


More. I always want more. More sea glass, more fireworks, more Menemsha sunsets, more fair food, more summer.

By Susie Middleton


If all you’re thinking is jelly, think again.

By Catherine Walthers


In honor of the seventieth Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby, we sent fishing legend Janet Messineo out trolling for fish tales. Then, in honor of the fortieth anniversary of Jaws, we chummed the waters ourselves for a couple of good shark stories. The result? Well, you should have been here that time when, holy crap...you wouldn’t have believed it....


Do New England’s top lumberjacks really live in West Tisbury?

By Geoff Currier
