
You know that if you have a home on Martha’s Vineyard, you occupy a special place in the hearts of your mainland friends – a place that coincides neatly with their weeklong summer vacations. You’ll recall it was barely springtime when the phones started ringing. “We were wondering. . . .” “Hey, what are you doing. . . .” “We had a fantastic idea! Why don’t you plan to come and visit us in the fall, but this summer, we. . . .” You’ve heard it all before, right?

By Mark Jenkins


It wasn’t until Thomas Hart Benton came to the Island in 1920 that he found himself, and the painting style for which he would become famous.

By Sam Low


On the who, what, how, and why of everyday Island life.

By Glenny Bartram


Some say the old-style clambake, a Vineyard tradition dating back thousands of years, is a dying art. One thing’s for sure: there are as many ways to “do“ a clambake as there are 
people still doing them.

By Catherine Walthers


On-Island hydrangeas: “Pink and Pretty is beautiful,” says Don Brown of Vineyard Gardens in West Tisbury, “but I’d have to say Nikko Blue is my favorite. There are just so few things that bloom that true blue in the garden.”


It’s not easy living in paradise.

By Paul Schneider


It’s summer and Thomas Bena of Chilmark is thinking about two things: movies and money. He thinks about movies all the time since he started the Martha’s Vineyard Independent Film Festival. As for the money, he thinks about where he might find a quantity of it to fund the festival next year, its fifth. He’s not going the easy, usual, high-season fund-raising route.

By Niki Patton