The fantastical, mechanical, musical world of Tim Laursen.

Megan Cerullo

At eighty, printmaker Ruth Kirchmeier emits sparks of energy as she talks about coming to the Island in 1988. It was, she says, “the beginning of a new life,” where she found her artistic calling – her intricate and distinctive woodcuts.

It is a painstakingly slow and exacting process that she describes joyfully. “You have to take away what you don’t want printed and leave what you want to be part of the image.” She carves four surfaces, one for the image, and the others to apply as many as 100 colors.

C.K. Wolfson

Live music and bars often go hand in hand on the Vineyard. But what to do in the morning light, when the haze remains and the tunes have faded? Or when the real world calls you to leave those blurry summer nights behind and you’re craving one more song?

Heather Hamacek

For Kenneth Vincent's oil-on-canvas painting The More Things Change, inspiration was a car ride away.

Three lavishly illustrated editions from Zenith Press chronicle some of history’s most epic voyages.

How do you tell a chair you love it?

Heather Hamacek

Ceramic artist Leslie Freeman is always on the go – and that’s just the way she likes it.

Alexandra Coutts new young adult novel and Susan Branch's new book.
