

Flotsam & Jetsam

Recent news you can sort of use.

We the Summer People

After his annual complaint to the press that his neighbors in Chilmark don’t like him as much as he thinks they should, self-described number-one Jewish Democrat on the Island Alan Dershowitz threatened to sue the Chilmark Free Public Library for not inviting him to sell his book of the year.

Sum Total (ST) for VH Taxpayers TBD

Tisbury scheduled a special town meeting to ask voters to approve a Proposition 2½ override after the new school that was expected to cost $53 million a year ago came in at a price tag of $82 million. Four years ago, the town rejected a proposal for a similar project at $46.6 million.

Sum Total (ST) for OB Taxpayers TBD

“The taxpayers are funding this litigation in both directions and we’re both very sensitive to that.”
– Attorney Brian Winner, who represents the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School in its lawsuit against the town of Oak Bluffs over the proposed plastic playing field, explaining why attorneys for both sides hope for a speedy trial.

The Summer of Their Discontent

The Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association sued the Oak Bluffs Planning Board. The Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC) settled out of court with the Harbor View Hotel. Neighbors sued the MVC for settling. Benjamin Hall Jr. filed suit – again – to block the Stop & Shop expansion in Edgartown.

Some are Volunteer Guinea Pigs

“A lot of people are calling, trying to find out how they can sign up for the study.” – Tisbury health agent Maura Valley talking about the proposed Lyme disease vaccine trials slated to take place this fall on the Vineyard.

Some are Looking to Make Friends in Woods Hole

Supporters of the Island’s restaurant industry are petitioning the Steamship Authority to run an 11:45 p.m. boat to Woods Hole to allow for after-hour commuters.

Some Are Actually Listening

The nonprofit formally known as the Trustees of Reservations withdrew its proposed beach management plan for Chappaquiddick after nearly universal dismay and backlash from Islanders over its new regulations regarding over-sand driving and dog walking.