
Elizabeth Ratliff


C’mon, Give Us Your Best Shot

It’s not too late to enter Martha’s Vineyard Magazine’s 13th annual photography contest.

“There’s nothing like a Vineyard sunset.” So says Elizabeth Ratliff of Nashville, Tennessee, whose photograph of hopeful fishermen at the end of the day (above) is in the running to win this year’s photography contest. “So many colors and characters to silhouette. The jetty fishermen of Menemhsa may be my favorite.”

Sunsets and sunrises are always strong contenders in the contest, which is now in its thirteenth year. But last year the judges picked a particularly strinking portrait of a steer, while the “people’s choice” award went to...a sunset.

Set your camera to high resolution and enter your Island images taken in the past year at Entries are organized into five categories: Beach + Lighthouse; Wildlife + Nature; Sunrise + Sunset; People + Pets; and Everything Else.

Winners will be celebrated in the Winter-Spring 2021–2022 issue and receive a free one-year subscription to the magazine and other prizes.

To enter our 13th annual photography contest visit

Comments (3)

Tom Fahey
I took this photo as the sun came up on my last day of vacation. There were two deer in a meadow but I sacred them as I scrambled to attach my long lens to my camera. Luckily I caught one as he scrambled away.
August 16, 2021 - 2:51pm
Robert Lynch
Lutherville, MD
How many photos/categories may one contestant submit? Thank you, Rob
August 23, 2021 - 12:35pm
Martha's Vineyard Magazine
Hi Robert, Entries are unlimited, and you can enter in as many or few categories as you like.
August 23, 2021 - 1:16pm