
“It’s crispy and delicious, almost a little sweet,” says Tim Broderick, a man who knows his fluke. The Chilmark fisherman was the host of last year’s fisherman’s fish fry, an annual tradition to mark the end of the commercial fluke season and a chance for the fishermen to slow down and enjoy this summer specialty they unload daily on Menemsha docks.

By Catherine Walthers


These days, I can fully establish my Oak Bluffs credibility with the younger set simply by sitting back and reminiscing about Circuit Avenue...

By Jessica B. Harris


With the Gay Head Light at the edge of the cliff, Vineyarders are celebrating, and angling to save, the beloved red-and-white-flashing beacon at the Island’s western tip.


Little Bighorn: A Novel; The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry.

By Alexandra Styron


Three or four times a year, an excavator crawls out to the barrier beaches between some of our great ponds and the open ocean and makes incisions in the sand that open up floodgates. This is a diesel-powered version of a ritual that goes back to ancient times.

By Geoff Currier


The waistband on these swimming trunksHas suffered one too many dunksAnd now, by way of striking back,It gives its owner too much slack.

By D.A.W.


I sat recently at my best of all possible desks, in my best of all possible jobs, as editor of the best of all possible magazines, devoted to the best of all possible islands, surrounded by the best of all possible oceans, contemplating the lobster roll. Not just any lobster roll, of course, but, that’s right, the best of all possible lobster rolls.

By Paul Schneider


Captain: Wayne Iacono Home Port: Menemsha Name: Freedom The Boat: Thirty-five-foot Bruno & Stillman fiberglass lobster boat. Built 1980 in Newington, New Hampshire. The Other Boat: Warrior, a twenty-foot fiberglass scallop skiff, makers unknown.

By Ivy Ashe


Ahh, those summer gull friends.

By Wes Craven


Ted Williams, “the greatest hitter who ever lived,” was also a star in the sport fishing world and a member of the International Game Fish Association Hall of Fame. Although he never fished on the Island, members of the derby committee and the Chamber of Commerce traveled to Fenway Park and presented him with a striper caught in one of the first derbies.

By Kib Bramhall


As much a harbinger of warm weather as cheery daffodils or traffic at the triangle, a certain colorful breed of men’s trousers pops up on the streets of Edgartown around Memorial Day weekend each year.

By Alexandra Bullen Coutts
