When you live on an island, it’s inevitable that you’ll find yourself in unlikely relationships. Sure, there are the regulars in your life – family, friends, the people you work with – but then there are the others, the unexpecteds.
By Kate Feiffer
The Point Way Inn has become an oasis for visiting artists to live, work, and commune on the Island. The fact that it’s free is a gift to the bottom line of many an arts institution.
By Rachel Nava Rohr
A recent addition to the class schedule at The Workout gym gets an annual staging at the Built on Stilts dance festival.
By Meredith Downing
An interview in three acts with Patricia Neal.
By Rebekah Blu
In my car aboard the freight deck of the Governor, headed over choppy waves to Woods Hole one fall morning, I couldn’t help but notice the large windshield sticker on the car in front of me: VINEYARDERS.
By Barbara Leham Smith
Simon Hickman puts up arbors with the same ease and frequency that I put up excuses. When you tour the grounds surrounding his home on Lambert’s Cove Road in West Tisbury, they’re as abundant as sparrows and each has its own distinct personality.
By Geoff Currier
Whether with metal or wood, this artist brings whimsy to yards and gardens, public spaces and private homes.
By Charlie Cameron
On the following pages, you’ll find details on a variety of foods and ingredients you can find in the springtime on the Island – in your backyard, in fields, in forests, and on beaches. Plus recipes for strawberry knotweed pie, watercress spring rolls, and candied violets.
By Holly Bellenuono & Catherine Walthers
For many of us, preparing a meal can be an inspired event. For professional artists, the cooking bar can be even higher – as a new Island cookbook explores.
By Nicki Miller
Martha’s Vineyard boasts a lot of committed people who own, work in, and patronize our bookstores. Neither last year’s Fourth of July fire nor the growth of big-box chain stores and online retailers is dampening that spirit.
By Kate Feiffer